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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Unit 3 in Math

NO SCHOOL for all students
November 12 - Veteran's Day (books orders are due)
November 21, 22, 23 and 26 - Thanksgiving
Hello Parents,
We just wrapped up unit 2 in math and are now moving on to unit 3. I sent the home link and unit letter home with students yesterday. Please practice forward and backward counting with the cards I sent home today. Start off with the first page and gradually move up to the harder skip counting over the next few months. The goal is for students to be able to fluently skip count forward and backwards. Thank you!

Grade 3 Unit 3: Operations
ND Math Standards
3. OA.1 Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 x 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For

example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 x 7.
o Interpret multiplication in terms of equal groups by drawing arrays or equal groups and writing number models that fit their drawings.
3. OA.5 Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. Examples: If 6 x 4 = 24 is known, then 4 x 6 = 24 is also known. (Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 x 5 x 2 can be found by 3 x 5 = 15, then 15 x 2 = 30, or by 5 x 2 = 10, then 3 x 10 = 30. (Associative property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 x 5 = 40 and 8 x 2 = 16, one can find 8 x 7 and 8 x (5 + 2) = (8 x 5) + (8 x 2) = 40 + 16 = 56 (Distributive property.)
o Use the turn-around rule (commutative property) as a strategy to solve problems involving products of one-digit numbers and 1, 2, 5, and 10.
3. OA.7 Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 x 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.
o Demonstrate automaticity with all products of one-digit numbers and 1, 2, 5, and 10 and recognize the relationship between multiplication and division.
3. OA.8 Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental compensation and estimation strategies including rounding.
o Assess the reasonableness of answers using estimation, including rounding.
  • 3. NBT.2 Fluently add and subtract within 1,000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations,
    and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
    o Add using partial sums or other strategies, and subtract within 1,000 using counting-up, expand-and-trade, or other strategies.
  • 3. MD.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one-and two- step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.
    o Represent a data set with several categories on a given scaled bar graph and use the information presented in the graph to solve one-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems.

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