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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Fill the Dome

Dear Osgood Families,
Can you believe it is already November?! Starting on Tuesday, November 13th, Osgood Elementary will be running a food drive to “Fill the Nest” in order to help Fill the Dome! Fill the Nest will help the youth-led food drive held in Fargo called Fill the Dome. This year, we have decided to put our own Osgood twist on it!  
            Throughout November, your child is encouraged to bring canned goods, non-perishables and hygiene products to their classroom. Then, when all donations are collected, we will bring them to the “Nest” to see how full we can make it! All food and hygiene items will be donated to local families in the FM area.
            Fill the Nest will also be a competition between the classrooms! The classroom that collects the most items will earn a special popcorn party! J
We would love your family’s participation in this school-wide event!

Thank you,
Osgood Teachers and Staff 

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