Upcoming Events:
Feb. 11-15- Kindness Week Dress Up Days
Feb. 12-Book Orders are Due
Feb. 14-Valentine's Day Boxes Due (Please wait until Feb. 11th to start bringing them in)
Feb. 18-No School
Feb. 22-Game Day 1:15-2:15pm
Feb. 28-Literacy Night 5-7pm
Mar. 8-Music Concert 8:30am
Dr. Christina Hargiss is a professor at NDSU in the Natural Resources
Management program. One of her passions
is teaching kids about the outdoors. One of the courses
she teaches is Environmental Education and Outreach. Dr. Hargiss along with the 25 students in the
class will be putting on an environmental day for all the second and third
graders at Osgood. During the NDSU
class the students learn to work with elementary, middle and high school
learners, college learners, the community and professionals. At Osgood, NDSU students will work in groups to teach the second and
third graders about environmental topics such as energy and mining by doing a
cookie mining activity, about safe drinking water and pollutants, and different
layers of the earth through “coring” cupcakes. There will be 8
activities total and each class will be able to take part in 5 activities based
on time availability. These are fun ways
for Osgood students to learn about the outdoors and real world concepts.
- I can use an algorithm to subtract fluently with minuends to 1,000 (3.NBT.2)
- I can use strategies based on place value, or the relationship between addition and subtraction to subtract fluently to 1,000. (3.NBT.2)
I can explore fractions (halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths, and twelfths)
I can discuss and find equivalent fractions and equations for fractions and explore whole numbers as fractions.