- Oct. 26- Family Dance Night (6-8pm)
Just a reminder that tickets for Family Dance Night are being sold before and after school. Tickets are a dollar each and are being sold in bundles of 10. (Bundles may be split!) Tickets are used to buy items such as popcorn, hot dogs, water, tattoos, hair dye, face painting, glow sticks and cotton candy. Admission is free! Dancing is free! Come out for a great night! Get your tickets ahead of time so you don't have to stand in line Friday night!
- Donations of box tops & short Pringle cans for upcoming projects.
I can read informational texts with accuracy, fluency and comprehension. (RI.3.10, RF.3.4)
I can answer questions about a topic by finding text evidence. (RI.3.1)
I can determine the main idea and details in an informational text. (RI.3.2)
I can use text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes) to locate information. (RI.3.5)
I can use search tools to locate information about a topic quickly. (RI.3.5)
I can use menus and icons on digital sources. (RI.3.5)
I can explain the meaning of content-specific vocabulary. (RI.3.5)
I can use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and words in a text to check my understanding. (RI.3.7)
I can write short pieces about information and personal experiences related to the topic. (W.3.7)
I can explain a research topic quickly and efficiently. (W.3.7)
I can engage in collaborative conversations about informational texts. (SL.3.1)
I can write short research pieces. (SL.3.2)
I can report on a topic using appropriate facts and details and visual information. (SL.3.4)
I can use my schema and gather information about communities. (W 8.)
I can create a research matrix by sorting evidence into categories. (W.8)
I can describe current events in sufficient detail using print and electronic media. NDSS.3.1.4
I can identify similarities and differences among people and the communities they live in. NDSS.3.6.2
I can identify roles that individuals play in various groups. NDSS.3.6.1
I can identify rights and responsibilities of a citizen in a community. NDSS.3.4.1
I can identify needs and wants. NDSS.3.3.2
I can identify how communities have changed from past to present. NDSS.3.2.2
I can identify the physical characteristics of West Fargo. NDSS.3.5.1
I can read and record irregularly spelled words. (RF.3.3, L.3.2)
I can break words into syllables.
I can identify inflectional endings added to base words.