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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Message from Mrs. Toy

Hello Osgood Families,

We had a great first day back! What a great bunch of students we have here at Osgood! In case you were unable to make it to our presentation at our Back to School Night here are some of the “Important Items” we discussed to help our morning and afternoon routines!

  • Students who are riding bike or are walking can enter through the north or south doors. They may also leave through the same doors they entered school that day.
  • Morning drop-off: Parents who are dropping their students off need to use the south drop-off loop only. Please follow the flow of traffic. We have adults out their assisting with drop-off in the morning please follow their directions.
  • Students if at all possible should be sitting on the passenger side in the back so it is easier for them to get out when getting to school in the morning. This was a suggestion from the Fargo PD!
  • When leaving our parking lot after morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up you can only turn right out of our parking lot. Traffic is extremely busy at that time to turn left.
  • Parents who are picking up their students with a vehicle need to use the South Loop. Please park your car if you are coming inside. If you are just picking up your child you may park by the curb as long as you stay in your vehicle.
  • Please make sure you have discussed with your child what their dismissal plan is and if it changes make sure they know along with their teacher.
  • Breakfast begins at 7:30 for students. Students who do not wish to eat breakfast may arrive at 7:30 for our Wake up and Walk (this time is earlier than stated before) but no earlier unless they are a part of the Morning Y program. All students enter the school and then will proceed outside before 7:45.

Thank you for sharing your students with us! What an awesome first day it was!

Working Together,

Kristi Toy

Kristi Toy
